July Newsletter: How Your Chiropractor Can Help with Slip and Fall Accidents

Woman fell down the stairs.

How Your Chiropractor Can Help with Slip-and-Fall Accidents

Are you feeling a little stiff and sore after a fall? It may be time for a visit to a chiropractor. Chiropractors treat a variety of injuries caused by slip-and-fall accidents and offer all-natural treatments for pain, stiffness, and other symptoms.

What Kinds of Slip and Fall Injuries Do Chiropractors Treat?

Whether you slipped on a muddy sidewalk or tripped over a loose carpet, a slip-and-fall accident can cause painful injuries that may last days or weeks. Luckily, your chiropractor offers treatments for slip-and-fall injuries that speed healing, reduce pain, and improve mobility. Chiropractors treat many fall-related injuries, including:

  • Sprains. The ligaments that connect the bones in a joint may stretch or tear as you fall, causing a sprain. A sprain may sound like a minor injury, but it can take weeks or months for the ligaments to heal, depending on the severity of the sprain.
  • Strains. As you struggle to stay on your feet, you may strain muscles in your legs, arms, hips, back, shoulders, or neck.
  • Tendinitis. Irritation and inflammation of the tendons that connect bones to muscles may also occur when you fall.
  • Back or Neck Injuries. Falls can also disrupt the alignment of the vertebrae, the bones that make up your spine, or cause the discs that cushion the vertebrae to bulge. Whiplash, commonly associated with motor vehicle accidents, can also happen if you slip and fall.
  • Muscle Pain. Your muscles are likely to feel sore and tight after an accident. Spasms and painful knots in muscle tissue may worsen your pain.
  • Pinched Nerves. Misaligned vertebrae or joints and tight muscles and tissues can press against or "pinch" nerves causing pain.

Treating Slip and Fall Injuries with Chiropractic

Pain, inflammation, stiffness, and reduced mobility can cause problems even if your fall seemed minor. Prompt treatment of your symptoms is important. If you ignore your symptoms, you could develop chronic pain or reduced range of motion. Chiropractic treatments relieve your pain now and help you avoid long-lasting consequences that could affect your comfort and mobility.

Depending on your injuries, your chiropractor may recommend one or more of these treatments:

  • Massage. Massage is helpful for nearly any slip and fall injury. Treatments gently stretch muscles and tissues, releasing tension and easing spasms. Endorphins and serotonin, hormones that relieve pain, increase after a massage, providing natural pain relief. As muscles loosen, stiffness and flexibility may improve.
  • Spinal and Joint Manipulation. Manipulating or adjusting misaligned vertebrae improves their position within the body. Although spinal manipulation relieves pain, that's not the only benefit. Spinal manipulation and adjustments also decrease pressure on muscles and tissues, reduce stiffness, and improve mobility. These treatments recognized as an effective way to treat pain and is among the therapies recommended by the American College of Physicians for low back pain. Chiropractic care isn't just helpful for your spine. If you have a sprained ankle, adjusting the bones in the joint decreases pressure on the ligaments and muscles, which may speed the healing process and improve range of motion and flexibility.
  • Flexion-Distraction. Flexion-distraction therapy gently stretches the spine and relieves pressure on nerves and bulging discs using a special moving treatment table. The therapy can be helpful for lumbar disc issues, low back pain, sprains, sciatica, and other painful conditions.
  • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS). TENS treatments stop nerve signals from reaching the brain, preventing pain. A mild electrical current passes through electrodes attached to your skin to ease pain.
  • Ultrasound Therapy. Heating deep tissues with a handheld ultrasound device eases pain and speeds healing. Ultrasound therapy is used for many injuries, including sprains, strains, tendinitis, whiplash and muscle spasms.

Have you experienced a slip-and-fall injury? Chiropractic treatments can help soothe aching muscles and joints and improve joint range of motion and mobility. Contact our office to schedule an appointment with the chiropractor.


American College of Physicians: American College of Physicians Issues Guidelines for Treating Nonradicular Low Back Pain, 2/14/2017


HealthCentral: Chiropractic Care and Back Pain: Non-Invasive Treatment for Bulging, Ruptured, or Herniated Discs (Slipped Discs), 5/10/2019


Chiropractic Economics: Prevention and How to Stop a Muscle Spasm, 1/21/20


Mayo Clinic Health System: Benefits of Massage Therapy, 3/22/2022


Office Hours


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7:00 am-9:00 am




  • "Regular visits with Dr. Roeder have significantly reduced the frequency of migraines I have suffered and the amount of neck and shoulder pain I have lived with for years. Because of Dr. Roeder I am able to focus on my busy life again"
    S.L., San Diego
  • "This was my first encounter with a chiropractor and found the experience to be delightful, gratifying and well worth it! Instead of being given a bunch of pills and told to come back next week, the manipulation for my back and side injuries including carpal tunnel syndrome, responded very well to the treatments. Thank you, Dr. Roeder for a job well done"
    W.B., San Diego
  • "I came in originally for neck pain, but getting adjusted helped lower my blood pressure & my insulin levels too.Dr. Roeder is so thorough in her care-I never knew how much better I could feel.I no longer have to take blood pressure medicine now."
    A.W., San Diego
  • "Since meeting Dr. Roeder at a health seminar, she has changed my life, drastically-improving my health 100%. I had a wide range of symptoms, including chronic fatigue, constant and severe headaches, body aches, nausea, difficulty concentrating and I felt extremely tired and weak. She diagnosed me with having Fibromyalgia and Candida. She put me on an anti-inflammatory diet and started me on chiropractic treatment and instructed me on strength exercises. I have lost 40 lbs and feel fantastic! Whenever I eat something that sets off a symptom, I can identify the food source now. I know how to eat well and stay away from foods that cause inflammation. Had it not been for Dr. Roeder's expert care, I believe I would still be suffering from all those symptoms-- instead I feel fantastic!"
    M.O., Spring Valley
  • "My son was diagnosed at a very young age with Hyperkyphosis. The doctor told us that surgery would be his only option but we needed to wait until he got older.My husband and I were heartbroken to think about such a major surgery for our little boy.We wanted to help him anyway we could without doing surgery. We are so thrilled to say that after seeing Dr. Roeder my son's back has made a major improvement.That there is a stronger chance that he may not need surgery after all.My son is three now and he is a very active little boy and you can't even tell that he had ever had a bad back.He is able to do what all little boys do:run, jump and climb!Taking my son to Dr. Roeder was the best decision that me and my husband have made as parents.I am so happy that Dr. Roeder is part of our lives.In fact all of my extended family members are patients of her too!Thank you so much Dr. Roeder for all of your help.You have been such a positive part of our lives.You are part of our family."
    G.C., San Diego
  • "My daughter has been diagnosed with Von Willabrand's and Precocious Puberty at age 7. She had her first period at age 8, and it was for three days. The doctors said that her hormone levels were off and there wasn't any truly safe treatment. After talking to Dr. Roeder, she started chiropractic care to help her body cope better with this disorder and hopefully change her hormones. Now my daughter and I have been told by doctors at Children's Hospital that it looks like she won't be starting her period until two years from now-this will be the normal time when she should start! They told us to keep up the good work of whatever we have been doing because it seems to be working."
    J.H., San Diego
  • "I got treated for a neck and back injury that appeared to be chronic following a major car accident. I had been to chiropractors before but without much success.After seeing Dr. Roeder now though, my mobility and general feeling of well-being has greatly improved."
    C.H., San Diego
  • "Dr. Roeder was recommended by a friend and I am completely satisfied. I was having low back pain also some neck pain. My back feels better than it has in years. I feel Dr. Roeder is complete in recommending exercising and treatment!"
    M.L., San Diego
  • "I just wanted to say thank you for making me 'new' again. Also, for helping us through our tough times. You always have been nice to us and helpful when we were in your office-it was just like a second home! Every time I walked through the door I felt calm and relaxed. You always asked us how we were doing and how we have been. I thought that was very thoughtful and caring of you-especially considering that awful car accident we had been in. None of my doctors before had been as courteous as you. You have really made a bad experience into a great experience in a blink of an eye. I always loved that EVERYONE was always smiling! I wish that when I grow up I can be like you, always making people happy and feel better! Well, I think that you just made another patient happy because of your wonderful 'magic.' Oh and I know I already said this but I think I am speaking for everyone when I say: Thank you Dr. Roeder!"
    J.F., San Diego (pediatric patient)